Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Beignets for Birthdays

I love birthdays.

Especially my own, but I tag along to any of my loved ones and force them to celebrate, have parties, have big expensive dinners, and drink (probably too excessively) because I love anything birthday.

And that is why I forced this man out of his house and into downtown Roswell for dinner and music at Roux. A small Cajun seafood joint, it is mostly packed with people at the bar but if you can snag a seat you're in luck.

 The restaurant was tight and forced the waitors to squeeze by chairs and bar stools with piles of food. A band was playing in the corner and by the time we left, patrons were bursting out of the doors into the street. 

An old friend from Milton owns and runs the restaurant so it is always exciting to see people you know doing well - and to help them along the way!

We started with Malbec for the table (I am on a Malbec kick now that I am learning so much from my sommelier lessons) and a Southern sampler. You probably would assume that any Southern sampler is a plate of fried food - and you would be correct.

Unfortunately, this was the best part of the meal. Pitas with a red pepper jelly, fried pimento cheese balls, and fried green tomatoes. It was imaginative without ruining in of the comforts of the dishes individually. The fried pimento cheese tasted as fattening as they probably are but the fried green tomatoes were light and perfect. 

This fella even came to celebrate for the night and it was great to see him. My favorite sibling (although there isn't much competition) is always a good time!
Do you see the resemblance? No, us either.

My mouth had been watering all day, waiting patiently for oysters that had been recommend at Roux. I love oysters and tried the Oysters Rockefeller. I am sad to say it was one of the most disappointing meals I have ever ordered.

It wasn't the fact that the oysters were horrible (they were), and I won't even mention that it is a good month to order them because with farm raised, factory produced food, there is no foundation to picking oysters by the month any longer. No, my main frustration came from the Spinach Dip mix that was slathered on top of my oysters.

As well as the fact that one of the shells did NOT have an oyster. Seems hard to miss but that right there was the end of the meal for me.

We finished our drinks and sang our happy birthdays before heading out into downtown Roswell. Make your way down there to experience the atmosphere which is awesome for a night out, but maybe stick to drinks though!
By sharing an Instagram of Roux on Canton you receive a free beignet. My family is Instagram lovers and would have shared any way but 6 photos later they asked us to stop taking all the beignets.

It was the least we could do to celebrate the birthday boy! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"The Good Life is the Simple One" - a H+F and H+H night.

 Head + the Heart killed it at Buckhead Theatre last night. They are such an amazing live band with talented musicians and their blend of vocals is mesmerizing.

I have not been to Buckhead Theatre in a few years since it was The Roxy and forgot how much I love it. The venue is the perfect size for an intimate show - the band chats with one another and the crowd the entire night, it is like you are there to see your best friends play. And, I would totally hang out with them - so if any of y'all have connections, please let me know :)

We went to dinner before the show (more on that later) and got there just it time for the two openers. If you are looking into some new bands, definitely check out Quiet Life, who are quickly becoming my new obsession and Thao and The Get Down Stay Down. The lead singer is this confident little Asian chick that changes instruments every song and just kills it and the drummer is an exact replica of my father in his twenties. 

Before the show I finally made it to Holeman+Finch, which I am amazed I haven't tried yet being that I used to live less than a mile from it - but better late than never I suppose! I was really tempted to order the hamburgers that everyone raves about but we opted to try multiple dishes across the menu - and I am so glad we did.

The menu is split between plates/parts/farm as well as an extensive cheese selection with wine pairing. The waiter suggested ordering 2-3 items per person but honestly don't order more than two (if you can narrow it down since everything looks mouth-watering). The prices per dish are very reasonable, between $9-$16 and the waiter was knowledgeable and honest about the dishes. We had Steak Tartare, Sapelo Island Clams, Fish + Chips, and Kohlrabi Gratin and had tons of food left over. I really tried to finish every. last. bite.

My favorite by far was the hand chopped steak tartare with farm egg, creole mustard, and shoestring potatoes. The potatoes were extra crispy and the flavor of the steak was flawless.

I also had to try the Sapelo Island clams since I visited the island so often from days living on the boat. We used to collect these guys as we raced around Sapelo and now here I am paying for them!  

The clams are sunken in a broth of cream and chicken stock spiked with rye whiskey and slices of jalapeƱo and bacon. The broth just begs you to dip the bread in and the clams are plump with just the right amount of saltiness.Plus, they gave me another dish to check off of my list of 100 Dishes.

We tried the kohlrabi gratin and fish + chips - both equally great. The fish came with a vinegar malt that was bitter and sweet and the gratin was warm with gooey baked cheese and parmesan.

I enjoyed the food but the vibe of the restaurant might have made it even better. It had high backed booths that are private enough in the dining room and dim lights with a wall of windows. The staff is overly friendly and laid-back, answering all our questions and attentive to our every need.

When you go, make a point to grab a cocktail from their ever changing menu.They have a great bar area  that makes up most of the space of the restaurant so it is a good place to start while meeting your party (or maybe some other never know!)


Monday, November 11, 2013

Date night at the theatre

I was all packed and ready for my (cold) weekend in Ohio when I scored last minute tickets to Ghost at the FOX. I called my favorite date and gave instructions for dinner:

1. Somewhere with wine
2. Somewhere new (and exciting! and yummy!) 
3. Oh, and I want to dress up

Standard date night rules really.

The show started at 8 and there is no reason to go early to the FOX unless you have never been before (and if you haven't you need to go NOW, go EARLY, and EXPLORE every inch).

I was lucky to have many ballerina best friends during high school that spent November and December dancing the Nutcracker at the Fox. On days they would have a matinee performance, we would skip school, play backstage, and watch the performances while acting as fancy Atlanta socialites and important swan queens. So I have seen almost every nook hidden in the place - believe me there is enough to keep you busy!

Due to Friday traffic and thinking I had enough time for the gym (I didn't) our dinner was cut short to hors d'oeuvres and wine (Check #1) at the Livingston across the street from the theater.The Livingston is in the Georgian Terrace in the heart of Atlanta. Although a large metropolis, Atlanta doesn't have many places that make you feel like you are in the heart of the city as Peachtree Road does. So it is always exciting (half check #2) to venture there - even if I drive on the road a few times a week.

The hotel is beautiful and the Livingston follows the same sleek, southern design. Its deep halls, white marble, and high ceilings are old antebellum charm with a modern twist.

Proof + Provision occupies the basement of the hotel and has been our go to stop for drinks and celebrations lately. If you make it to after dinner drinks head down to play games, socialize, and try specialty cocktails. Remember, the valet is free for 3 hours.

Since we had the show to get to, we sat at the bar of the Livingston - which is a spot I usually prefer. You can catch all the quirks of the kitchen and always know which servers the bartenders like. I have had many serving jobs in my life and you must keep that bartender happy!

There are only 8 seats at the bar and the rest of the space is filled with high tables and benches. We chatted with the bartenders, tried a few dishes, and left satisfied. FYI - the bartenders are heavy pourers (thank you!)  

This is obviously a previously consumed heavy pour..

The menu selections we chose were delicious (Check #2!)We started with fried oysters with tomato grits and sauce gribiche. Tomato grits, why have I never thought of you before!?

And bacon-wrapped dates with arugula and fromage blanc. I can't stop thinking about these, they were smoky and warm for the first cold night of winter.

With minutes to spare we ran to our seats in the FOX. It just feels great to walk in through the open foyer, greeted by the doorman as you enter the theatre for the evening.

We caught our seats just as the bells began to chime for the show to begin. 

Ghost had a short run in Atlanta, as it is touring the US, but the show was entertaining and well done. It seamlessly transitioned from movie to stage with the use of amazing effects and great acting. The effects that they used turned the show into a 3D, live action movie and the timing and visuals were impressive. I didn't love the silly dance numbers but I know they are a necessary component to a stage performance.

Overall it was a successful night, great meal and great show - check it out while it continues its run if you can! have seen the movie many times but forgot how sad it was - Sam + Molly Forever. Oh, and FYI, my favorite beige heels were out for the evening so Check #3.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Advice for playing in the desert with cowboys

Oh Vegas, I think I love you. A few of my favorite things started off the weekend; a beautiful Fall afternoon in the desert, Paris, and Sam's sign up for PBR!

Vegas is one of those magical places that will capture you the moment you step off the plane. You can feel the energy build in your soul and you know something amazing is about to begin. You'll feel delirious with the sights, sounds, and people frolicking the the middle of the desert. Just make sure you are able to break away, as you can easily be sucked into the place. I have never been able to last longer than 36 hours in Vegas and fly home beaten and exhausted. But in the best way - and with the best stories to tell.

My first advice: Don't ever pass up a trip to Vegas! I'm sure that one was obvious though. 
So with Atlanta getting too chilly for my liking, I was west bound the moment Sam called to say he was playing a full weekend of shows at the MGM Grand for the PBR Finals. You couldn't pay me to stay away!

Second advice: Play all the penny slots you can - because cocktails are FREE when you are gambling in the casinos. You may win $1 or $2 (sorry, you will probably lose) but even if you don't you are gambling without the anxiety and you are drinking for FREE - nothing better.  

Third advice:  End EVERY night in Vegas at Drai's. It only opens at 2AM so be prepared because it is well worth it to make it here. They just recently moved from the Strip into Bally's, it is smaller but is still the best place to end your night - or rather your morning! Don't be surprised when the sun is up when you come walking stumbling out at the 7AM closing time. It will happen, accept it!

Fourth advice: Go to Madame Tussaud's
If you never have heard or seen a Madame Tussard's, it is a wax museum found in many of the biggest cities around the world. This is something I have never added to my #bucketlist of activities because it never seemed worth it. Well, it was.

Where else could you dance with Michael?

Or be a Las Vegas showgirl!? My dream when I was a little girl was to be a New York Rockette, unfortunately this is as close as I am going to get - I just never had the legs for that job :(

It is silly and honestly, really fun! If you go into the Venetian first, find the employee that hands out the $10 off coupon or ask at the desk for one when you are paying. I find that when I ask for a discount, I can usually get one.

Plus, you should be going in the Venetian anyways for shopping and gondola rides. This casino is beautiful.

The rest of the morning we made all the usual stops around the Strip - the Bellagio was decked out for the Fall. It would be so fun to envision and create these beautiful scenes. They want you to go overboard when you work for the Bellagio in Vegas - what a way to work.

A cornucopia overflowing with pumpkins and the air smelled of cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Why am I even surprised!?

Some of the more creepy critters lurking around the corner..

and since we did not have time for the Venetian gondola ride, there was a cute little row boat to try out. Oh Vegas, you think of everything! 

We spent our afternoons laying in the sun by the pool and soaking in the last warm rays before winter. Days like this make me question why I don't live somewhere where palm trees grow all year long -  Vegas, can you take me in? 

But the real reasons I had made the trip was to support this fella right here!

Get ready to know the name Sam Riddle - he is going to be your next favorite country singer

He had an early acoustic set that drew in HUGE crowds at MGM all weekend as well as playing at 8 Second Lounge, Stoney's, and on Fremont Street.

I may be biased but he puts on an amazing show - he plays guitar and piano (among others), sings his heart out every night, and never lets up on the energy. Go check him out if you are in Vegas, you will not regret it! 

and ladies, get ready to swoon:)

Plus, he deserves it all because he is a great friend and awesome guy. Who else would set up you with a place to stay and VIP treatment all weekend?! 

And thanks PBR for sponsoring... the event, not me (but that too, of course).

Next time maybe I shouldn't be allowed to play alone in VIP..which I guess resulted in selfies with #Swoopproblems.

But Elvis was there to save me. 

Only in Vegas.