Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Too deep in thought, too deep in the woods

I have been quite the naughty blogger lately. Please forgive me, life has been in the way - which is the real reason for my blog anyways, to sort out this craziness I am calling my life.
I have had a difficult year so far, have asked God for a new adventure, a new path in my life for some time but instead I am spending the excitement whining from scary unknowns - although I was the one that asked God for this journey.

I have lost my grandfather, the best men I have ever known. A man that saw the world, raised five kids, was a leader, and continually pushed me to strive for better. The one person in my life that I needed to be proud of me. I am thankful for every moment I spent with him and feel lost without him still.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out - I didn't. I asked God to provide a reason for me to leave and now that he has I am scared stiff. I don't know where to go but I need to find what is out there for me. I am a weak Christian and taking the leap of faith is a struggle nonetheless.

To clear my mind and I needed a solo trip in the woods and spent the afternoon swimming in a vacant swimming hole and hiking at Cloudland Canyon.

Instead of piling all of my friends, a 6 pack, and a weekend camping into the trip - I took the time to thank God for the woods, the time alone, the sounds of the forest. It reminds me of my roots, that I am finite, that I am a speck and my problems are small. Sometimes we all need a reminder of this.
Cloudland Canyon is in Northwest Georgia and a perfect spot for a group camping trip and enough trails to keep you busy all weekend. The views are astounding and the waterfalls magical.

Sometimes a trip into the woods can solve all your problems - or maybe it will if you are just a girl from Montana - but it reminded me that I have to believe in the plan. The obstacles become the blessings. In those dark places I can see God moving in my life. This dark place has brought me back to God and there is not much else one can ask for. I believe he is leading me on the path I am meant to be.

Make your own trip into the woods - to answer some questions or just swim and hike and drink with your friends. Afterall, sometimes doing that will answer just as much as your time reflecting.

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