Monday, July 2, 2012

It is the most wonderful time of the year

My Birthday! Or rather, BirthWEEK. I am a firm believer that the beauty of a birthday should never be confined to one evening but spill over into a week (or longer) and be filled with smiles and cakes and friends and vacations.

Celebrations have been non-stop and I truly am a blessed little girl. I have had dinner parties and dinner dates, lunches, and cakes, presents, and cards, smiles, and surprises. And I LOVE surprises:) Excuse the ridiculous amount of photos but it is my birthday and I can do what I want:)

We had dinner the weekend prior to my birthday at Five Seasons Brewery. It was a beautiful night and I was surprised by some amazing friends - new and old that came out to celebrate. I recommend 5 Seasons Brew - it has been our new starting spot as of late.

My perfect, Forever 25, birthday cake. (How did I get this old?!)
Plus, Cookie cake. So naughty and definitely my weakness.

Later in the week, my parents and brother came down for lunch at Victory sandwich - and quenched our thirst on Jack and Coke slushies. This is a great little sandwich spot in Atlanta and I will have to do a proper post on them soon.

My gorgeous Mum enjoying her Jack and Coke slushie.

Thursday night JB and I had dinner at TOP FLR, a mixology bar in Midtown, and sampled way too many of the drinks but it was delicious. He was better at choosing the best ones but we made sure to steal sips from one another.

Just when I thought it was all over, when I had jumped into bed so late everynight filled to capacity with love and great food, (and of course, too many sweets). The weekend began and RIVERFEST 2012 was here!

Riverfest is our annual camping trip filled with kayaking, white water rafting, fishing, drinking, game playing, and hiking. We drove over to TN on Friday night and got there too late to do any kayaking, but set up our tents for the weekend adventure.

The drive to TN on a prefect GA night.

The next morning we woke up early  to check out the river (and find cell service) and wait for the water from the dam to be released.

Packing up our supplies and kayaks and canoes...

We spent the day on the river - swimming and playing. It will always be the best way to spend a day.

On my actual day we went white water rafting down the Upper Occee. It is only open for two weeks out of the year with Class IV rapids and where the Olympics were held. Needless to say, I was intimidated...and ABSOLUTELY EXCITED!!

Unfortunately, we hit the biggest run - Godzilla, Godzilla. There is a really funny story about how it was named but, well, this happened.
We were lucky to have helmets and helpful citizens on the side of the bank. A man threw me a rope and I was pulled out of the current but amazingly, I left without a scratch. A birthday miracle?! Everyone else in my boat however, came out looking like this....

Brusied and battered, we still had a great time. The rest of the afternoon we fished, cooked out, kayaked again, and relaxed in the river playing games and getting sun. It was an amazing weekend and week and I am so thankful for everyone that made it so special.

Our ratty crew after a few days in the woods.

And after all this cake talk, I had to share some of the naughtiness with you!

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