Friday, September 13, 2013

Come Together Mumford

 It isn't often you wake up and regret NOT going to Clermont Lounge the previous night. Usually the morning after Clermont is a stumbling hangover to your roommates bed to ask what happened the night before as you slowly recall karaoke, awkwardly crushed cans, and a little old lady that looks so sweet until she gives your friend a lap dance.

Don't get me wrong - I love the place and last night I wish I had been there to meet Ben Lovett and to watch Mumford + Sons get kicked out after their show in Centennial Olympic Park.

Yesterday was the kind of afternoon that makes you love Atlanta - which is not an emotion I usually feel to this city.

However, it was a perfect evening to frolic in Centennial Olympic Park and crowd with thousands of other fans that won the lottery show for Mumford + Sons, the Vaccines, and Bear Den.

I don't usually love concerts in Centennial as they tend to be a madhouse with everyone pushed together and my only view of someones shoulders in front of me that I have to rest my forehead on.

But on this night we had a great little spot with extra room and lots of red heads. I have always believed that red head radar is an actual thing. They are a cult of people that all seem to know one another and when I turned around in the crowd to speak to J, I was surrounded.

I do love some gingers! And a perfectly timed photobomb.  

Of course Mumford + Sons put on an amazing show. If Mumford isn't your thing, you should check them out anyways - you will be pleasantly surprised. I only began to enjoy them after seeing them live when my friend, L dragged me to see them in the dusty Arkansas heat during Wakarusa years ago but I am glad she did.

They ended the show with Come Together and I may need to post the video (you will have to excuse my dancing half way through) to appreciate the wonderful night.

Atlanta even put up SkyView in Centennial, which has already made the to-do list! If you are planning on going as well, click on the link to check out a deal that includes drinks at the Glenn Hotel - a fun date idea! 

Though I am still regretting Clermont Lounge and gladly would have put up with the headache and extra long shower...

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