Friday, April 25, 2014

Beltline Brunching Atlanta

Spring has slowly been creeping in and we have been able to spend a few Sundays brunching in the beginnings of the spring sunshine. I was proudly anointed "Brunch Planner" of the crew - most likely due to the amount of restaurants I veto on a weekly basis (I refuse to step foot in Midtown). Nevertheless, I am very proud and have taken the job seriously as the weather warms and the outside playtime beckons.

The one spot I have visited each weekend is the newly opened BeltLine along the East Corridor of the city. The BeltLine is a multi-use trail that is redeveloping lands around Atlanta and connecting much of the city. It is an amazing idea for Atlanta, which is known for its addiction to cars and can only credit Marta as a transportation alternative.

Seriously, once it took me 40 minutes to fly from Nashville to Atlanta and 90 minutes to take Marta from the airport to my house. But this isn't about Marta, or why they didn't think to build an express train to the airport - how great would that be?
The BeltLine runs along a previously used railway corridor and will be a continuous loop that will transverse over 22 miles for running, biking, and skating once completed. There will be trails to connect neighborhoods to the BeltLine and in the future plans also propose a light rail for additional transport.

Although all of these factors make me a strong supporter of the project, the best addition is the space that is being revived. Old warehouses are being developed into establishments such as Ponce City Market - a spot I cannot wait to try and 13 city parks will be expanding the green space of our "City in a Forest."

How great will it be for dinners out on the trolley, runs in the evening, and grabbing drinks and walking home along the BeltLine? Atlanta, you got me falling in love with you all over again.

Although the BeltLine isn't finished, we have been able to get to know every brunch spot, shop, and quirky stops along the way. And some of our favorite restaurants are located along the BeltLine and I love any opportunity to go more often.

Start your walk in Inman Park and stop for brunch at Parish. Bring a bottle of wine or order your mimosas and bloody marys and sit on their wooden benches they have set up along the BeltLine. Sit, people watch, and chat your hangovers away. This is my favorite spot along the path and they need more benches already!

Head towards Piedmont Park, stopping in at Paris on Ponce to do a bit of antique scavenging and grab water for your puppies and yourself. There are doggie water bowls and free water (and coffee if you need the boost) for all. If I could only afford one of these beautiful pieces. For now I will just lust over them...

Make your way to Piedmont Park to lay in the sun, grab beers at Parktavern, and throw the Frisbee and stay until evevning. Catch your friends and favorite kickball teams for Sunday games or start an impromptu game of your own. You'll always find others wanting to join in the park.

As the sun sets on your day, walk back to Inman Park and grab dinner and drinks at Barcelona Wine Bar and sit by their outdoor fireplace to enjoy their half priced wine on Sundays!

If it gets alittle chilly, grab one of their complementary blankets and cuddle up with your friends. Enjoy the Spring chill while you can because it won't last long in Atlanta!

What are some of your favorite brunch playgrounds?

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