Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I have been READY for the holidays and cooking and baking and friends and parties. Christmas is perfect for parties and entertaining and I love any reason to fill my house with guests and make them look at centerpieces and pies and appetizers I have made. :)

This year we had "Friendsgiving" and I had 20 people over for a pre-Thanksgiving bash. We set up a long table through our living room, stuffed ourselves, drank too much, and played games, and were perfectly jolly.
                                                          Everyone gathered around the table to eat!
Game time for the boys. We love playing the post-its game.

My apple pie:) Gone in seconds!

The best friends a girl could have.

Now on to planning our Christmas party, a Doomsday party, 3 birthday parties...and studying for the PCAT, working, finishing my classes, applications, and kicking my butt in the gym to lose 8 pounds by the end of the year.
And planning a trip with Uncle John for December 27-30th. Napa? Great Smokey Mountains? New Orleans?
Hopefully going to a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME in Miami... C'mon Dawgs! We play Bama on Saturday for SEC Championship and I am ready for a good Bulldawg WIN. Yay, yay, yay.
We have decided to skip Christmas this year - I think it was the best news Mom has heard in months. She seems so relaxed and happy! So, no more Christmas for us...instead I think we will be doing Random Acts of Kindness. I love this idea!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Food trucks and DJing

My Fridays lately have been crazy at work, usually everyone is out of their surgeries by 2PM but with the start of all the sickness and it has been nonstop. Today was no different - we had an eight hour spinal scheduled and the patient stopped breathing on the table even before surgery started. Not the best way to start my morning - but the surgeons continued on. So our afternoon was filled with the waiting game, cardiac arrest, and adrenaline rushes (literally).

But the crazier my Friday work day the more I need a good Happy Hour :) Quite the only reason I work on Fridays at all. Today the boys all took the day off to play volleyball - tough life, so I had some catching up to do!

This is a shot from playing this summer - it is still warm here, but unfortunately my tanning days are over this year. I'm embracing the pale (for now). We have already discussed a quick jaunt to Cabo in January (yay!)

Tonight we went to Stew and Brew at the Food Truck Park. If you are looking for a good date I definitely recommend this spot. It's BYOB and different trucks come on different days. Tonight along with the usual fare all of the trucks offered a stew - delicious. Nothing is better than a stew in the crisp fall air.

We then played kan jam, pictionary, and Apples to Apples at B's and then headed into Buckhead. Starting at Churchills and NJ came to meet us so I wasn't stuck with the boys for the night! After darts at Churchills we moved over to Buckhead Saloon as DJ Flip Switch aka our friend Jeff was DJing.

It is probably always a mistake to let me in a DJ booth but I played "I Want to Dance with Somebody" so I consider it a successful night.

More of an update :
1. Bama is playing Texas A & M and it is such a GREAT game. A&M is beating Alabama with 1:25 left and just intercepted the ball at the 2. Everyone says this is bad for UGA. I just like seeing this happen! Go Johnny Football!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ghosts and dreams

This has nothing to do with Fall 2012 - or even the Summer of 2010 when it happened really. Many of my favorite experiences, achievements, goals, happy thoughts come from the Summer I spent backpacking through Europe with my two best friends (and a third for a few weeks before he ran away for America). I will mention it alot in this blog as I want to remember EVERY story, every moment, and every feeling of that trip and as each day goes by I feel I have less and less of it.

However, it was only after I was home for a few months that I realized the extent that trip changed me. I wanted to be changed and I was. I wanted to learn about myself and I did. I did not realize it at the time but now looking back, it was the single most important and happiest time of my life. The moments I go back to, those fleeting moments that I want to hold on to forever.

I had taken a small netbook on the road with us and I had been diligent about journaling everyday. After months in a pack, with gross clothes, in nine+ countries, thrown under buses, in trains, shoved into lockers, slept on - on benches, beaches, front porches - well it died. I was DEVASTATED. There is no other word. I know its a computer but those few (it was more like a few hundred) pages meant everything.

About a month ago (and almost two years to the DAY after the trip) I restarted the netbook to check if it had a harddrive that I could remove and the the thing restarted!!! YES.

I had journaled everday, written every moment and to get the memories back was a blessing. There are a few moments that I want to forget, MANY I had forgotten, and many I never will.

This is the story of my trip to Auchwitz. I will not try to talk about the place, the sights, or what we did there. I don't think I can fully explain how it made me feel. But I will share this.

We took the train from Prague into Poland late on a Thursday - leaving at 11:30PM and traveling through the night. We did not have enough money for private bunks to sleep and the train on that route is considered very dangerous - for theft, vandalism, etc. so we hunkered into one cabin with a couple from Poland. The train was an Eastern European gem and if you have traveled on a train in Eastern Europe you can picture what it was. It transported me into a differnt time - it was not 2010 on that train. It was 1940 and I became a new soul on that trip.

We did not sleep well sitting upright with our packs on our laps and locked to our bodies (which was common). It was dark and freezing on the train and I remember the wind and noise of the rails cutting through the night. In the middle of the night I suddenly awoke and S and L were across from me cuddled together, no one else stirred in the cabin but I was instantly aware of what woke me.

Through the night sky, approaching swiftly on the landscape it was there. Auchwitz.

It came at me quickly and stared into my soul. I don't know if I had lost ancestors there, if I had ancestors responsible there but one of them had awoken me to their presence and their prison. All I can remember was the size of the budiling and the atmospehere that surrounded it that seeped into my train cabin. It was the scariest moment of my life. I watched it go as we slowly chugged past knowing I would see it again - the next day.

On the following day we toured Auchwitz - the bunks, the rooms full of hair, shoes stolen off prisioners feet, the ovens to start fires, the gas chambers where people fell, where they were murdered. The train tracks, the rooms of torture. None of it was off limits and each brought more emotion from your soul. It is impossible not to be sobered by such an experience, to know the ground you walked was the home to spirits of thousands.

Our tour guide was a young Polish man - soft spoken and so emotional about the camp. I assumed he had many family members taken there but in the end I believe he was one of these lost souls. He would not speak of anything personal or how he came to guide there but only spoke of the camp, the plans the Nazis had for its future, and the experiences the people there endured. He did not answer questions but knew and told everything you needed to know. He had a silent strength and I could tell it pained him to walk these grounds.

The last stop he brought us to were two destroyed gas chambers and as we looked on into the rubble - that has never been touched, moved, tried to be hidden; the sun shone on me with such love. It was the most opposing feeling I have ever had. I felt the warmth, stregth, beauty of the day as I walked the perimeter of the gas chambers that took so many lives. Yet here I was in a perfect afternoon with no clouds, no pain in my future. But our guide never noticed the day, he whispered the story of this place with certainty. It was as if he whispered into the ears of each of as separately with the attention he took from us. As he finished his last words he turned and went quickly. The sun was setting and he did not walk to the gate, over the train tracks to freedom, instead he walked into the field of bunks and instantly without anyone noticing - he was gone. We waited to see him, to thank him for the afternoon, and he never returned. I know he could have walked out another way, he could have slipped past in my preoccupation with the place. But I believe he was not able to leave the gate, that he still does not have freedom. That everyday he is there and travels into the bunks and shares his story.

I was given a tour by a ghost of Auchwitz.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wedding season is OVER!

Wedding season has come to an end. FINALLY! What an amazing few months but for awhile I didn't know I would make it out alive. And this is how I feel riiiight about now.
This past weekend was perfect - a debaucherous, crazy, type of perfection which is my favorite kind. Thursday was the rehearsal for the wedding and post-drinks at Highland Tap. All of my boys came in from out of town. We were worried with Sandy that no one would make it in but no one could miss Jackie's big day! Friday I met the boys for brunch at Cafe 640 in the Highlands and enjoyed beers on the patio.
The wedding was in Piedmont Park and went wonderfully. We danced too much, drank too much, and late night'ed until the morning at the Marriott in Midtown.
How perfect was this setting? How perfect is this picture? How perfect is this couple?! Obsessed.
Saturday we had a slow start but rallied and made it out to Chomp and Stomp for the annual chilli and bluegrass festival in Cabbagetown Park. I quite love the area around Cabbagetown and it is the "real" Atlanta to me. Beer and bluegrass you couldn't keep me away! Here is a nice photo of S enjoying his turkey leg since much of the Chili had been eaten before we got there:( Yummm...
The night was filled with Astoria, Front Page News, Cosmolava, Kan jam, and galavanting the city. Sunday I needed an escape and to rejuvenate so I hiked Indian Seats - my favorite hike and a bit of my happy place:) 

I went very FALL and made apple crisp and blueberry muffins. Mom's Apple Crisp recipe always puts me in the mood for Fall. You will need:

6 Baking Apples - Peel, Core, and Quarter
1/2 C sugar
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 C flour
1 C brown sugar, packed
1/2 C butter, softened

Mix the ingredients, Coat the apples, and bake uncovered for 1 hour at 300°F.

Serve warm, with LOTS of ice cream:)

And we are still enjoying our pumpkins:):)