Monday, October 28, 2013

Spider and Skeleton Halloween Wreaths

I have been endless drooling over those cute DIY Fall wreaths on everyone's door and Pinterest page and finally decided that since I have a very cute new front door at my house, I had to give them a try.  They are SO EASY. Seriously, I am upset I haven't been making these for the holidays and Christmas gifts for years! 

I decided on a small 8 inch wreath for my first try to see how it went. 

You can get these at any hobby store - this is from Micheal's. The smallest wreath is about $2.50 and even the largest is less than $5 so its cheap enough to give it a shot. This one worked really well and the wires are maneuverable which helps when you are threading through the burlap.

Since I was making a smaller wreath I only purchased 1 roll of burlap that was 4" wide. One roll is about 10 yards and I used almost all of it. If you plan on making any bigger of a wreath, make sure to get two rolls of burlap.  

However, I am putting this wreath on a glass door so I wanted both sides to have the same look. If you want to save some burlap, tighten the coils of burlap you make in the back and loop them out bigger in the front. This will also keep it from sitting so far off the door.

 And then start looping through the wires - over, under, over repeatedly and scrunch up the burlap to the desired length. It is good to scrunch as you go to keep the coil of burlap tight around the edges.

Keep the initial edge loose to tuck in at the end and cover as much of the wires with the loops as possible. It may look somewhat messy at the beginning but keep coiling the burlap and spreading out the loops - you really can't mess this up!

And finally add your favorite touches. I made two for Halloween - I was very excited when the first worked out so well! One with glitter spiders that I will be using for many more projects this year. These were great because the spider legs fit right into the holes on the burlap with no glue or pins. So far no falling either! Just gruesome enough for the boy roommate to like and glittered enough for my taste!

To the other I attached a skeleton bow that I pinned on to the wires of the wreath. This way I can substitute any new Fall decorations as soon as Halloween is over and keep the wreath out for more celebrations!

These rolls of ribbon are on sale at Micheal's for $1 a roll. There isn't much length to them so make big looping bows and use it all up! They are a great addition to use year after year.

Happy Halloween Week! Now on to costumes... What is everyone dressing as this year? I need some inspiration! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Push Start Kitchen

I had the BEST dinner last night.

Zach Malloy is the chef for an underground supper club dinner in the Goat Farm. Dinner is served inside his loft apartment for 14 guests and when you receive the e-mail that you have been invited for the evening - you go. You don't question it, you go. So although I was speeding back from Nashville - Why didn't I Fly? I had to make it back before the dinner party with his beautiful family and the other guests for the evening.

The old ammunition factory with high brick walls and long deep hallways sets the atmosphere for the dinner. The Goat Farm now serves as a performance arts studio hosting galleries to Scoutmob's Halloween Party but the loft apartments are offered to artists that pay their rent through donations to the Goat Farm. Chicken trees are outside, a long old front porch, and goats of course roam the grounds.

And the space and atmosphere is only the beginning. You are greeted by Zach's wife on the front porch and led into their home where you are instantly handed a cocktail - a Spanish rum with infused orange and apple juice and offered these fritter type pastries with a caramel dip and sea salt that may be the best food I have ever eaten.

As Zach works from his kitchen and plates the courses, he laughs and talks with his guests - many he knows personally. It is an intimate dinner party and if you didn't know him or any other guests at the beginning of the night, you will leave with hugs and new phone numbers from your new friends at the end.

I sat next to Steve, a business consultant from California that had first met Zach and his wife in Costa Rica where they ran their first restaurant, Media Naraja. I attended with B who had worked with Zach at 4th + Swift in Atlanta, and next to us was a Russian couple that had recently moved from NYC.

Although the atmosphere and acquaintances are the benefits, first you are fed.

And fed so well.
The first course is plated and set in front of you and Zach comes to pour the steaming carrot veloute over your plate as he explains the dish and the components.

Each dish is paired with a new wine and refilled as quickly as you can sip. As everyone drinks the conversations pick up and the food continues. A red Spanish wine is served with the main course of Shrimp +frog leg confit over a corn pudding that contains exciting flavors and a comforting texture. Zach come around to speak with everyone and add extra shrimp to your plate.

And although you are full, you have to make room for dessert because the muscadine sorbet that is atop the white chocolate arroz con leche is too tempting to push to the side.

The meal is offered to his guests by donations of your choice. It is to raise money for his own restaurant that is opening on 14th called "Better Half" and to get his food out to the public. He leaves you with sweet tea moonshine that he has cut the flavors into and delicious treats of tarjetas de cocca.
Little gooey, sweet, balls of trouble.

The food is delicious, the wine and champagne parings were perfect, and you know he puts his heart and soul into the meal for you. Better Half is going to be well known once it opens and the meals in his home will eventually stop. Hurry over to his website and make a point to get in while you can. Check on the current menu and sign up to get your own meal here

Enjoy your dinner party!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why Didn't I Fly!?

Nashville is always the best time. I get to pretend to be roommates again with K and explore around Nashville, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite cities. Though I think it has something to do with visiting this lady!

I love Music City, there is always something new to discover, a great new band to check out, or a festival or event happening around town. I initially planned to fly up for the UGA v. Vandy game but when it turned into such a disappointment, we had to make due with frolicking downtown, carving pumpkins, and visiting many delicious restaurants. Such a hard life we live...  

Friday we did our usual dinner & pregame routine - went to dinner at The Pharmacy and downtown to Paradise Park and Honky Tonk Central. I made the mistake of only bringing beach clothes and it was rainy and freezing in Tennessee. I am not ready for this weather, winter go away! We started the morning with Bulldawgs pancakes. This should have been all the help our boys needed for the game!

Put off by the rain and not wanting to tailgate or scalp tickets in inclement weather, we went to The Pour House for drinks and lunch. Pour House is overlooking downtown Nashville and a radio station was there broadcasting live for the day. Though it wasn't very busy, I definitely recommend this place for gameday activities - good drink selections, lots of outside space, and all the good games on TV.

Plus we won tickets, movies, and lots of fun prizes from the radio station by playing cornhole and other games that were set-up!Too bad most of us don't live in town to use them. When it became too cold outside, we started making game of our own - with all these great people no matter what we do is always a good time!

After the disastrous showing of the UGA Bulldawgs, we released our frustrations by carving pumpkins

I am horrible at carving pumpkins but Katie on the other hand is GREAT at it (or any other crafty activity for that matter)  check out her fun blog about life in Nashville to see for yourself!

She and Aust were in a pumpkin carving contest - both were great but I think we all know who won! 

 Though pumpkin carving is not my thing, I love to roast the seeds. Pumpkin seeds is one thing that I always crave in October so I got the job of cleaning the innards and roasting up the snackies!

I love extra toasted, crispy seeds and you can get this by drying out your seeds as much as possible before roasting. If they are water logged they get too chewy! However, even though it seems to defeat the purpose of having them dry, the best way to get all of the gross pumpkin guts off of the seeds is to boil them.

First throw all the seeds in a pot with salt and bring to a boil and then simmer for about 10 minutes, this should evaporate all the extra water and leave you with clean seeds!

After that, drain off the water and leftover pumpkin guts and then put back into the pot or another bowl and toss in olive oil, sea salt, and whatever other spices you prefer. I made this batch with olive oil and sea salt but my favorite is using paprika and cayenne pepper to give it a spicy kick!

Next, spread the seeds on a baking pan and roast at 350F for 10 minutes. Then take them out, shake them up and roast for up to another 10 minutes. Be careful in the last minutes as they will start burning quickly!

After that, ENJOY you Halloween! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Crockpot Garlic Chicken on Moving Day

I moved again* this weekend and needed some ZERO prep-time meals to whip up to eat off of for the remainder of the weekend. Since Fall is starting in (although it is 74 today - best thing about the south!) it is time to break out the crock pot.

* I am so good at moving now
Oh, and wine I guess! 

I tried a new recipe I have been drooling over, Crockpot Garlic Chicken using:
  • 4 organic chicken breasts, thawed
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
Slice half of an onion - I prefer thicker sliced sweet Vidalia onion and line on the bottom of the crockpot

Add 6 cloves of minced garlic, I used about 2 heaping tablespoons of the pre-minced garlic which is so worth every penny. I love garlic, I hate chopping it. 2 teaspoons of dried thyme and salt and pepper. 

In a small bowl, whisk together 1 cup of dry white wine, I used a Sauvignon Blanc and 1/3 C all-purpose flour.

It will be frothy when mixing, but this is perfect. Just make sure to get the flour and wine uniform, breaking up the clumps of flour.

Place thawed chicken directly on top of the onions and seasonings. I added extra salt and pepper to the bottom of the crockpot instead of seasoning each breast individually.

Place the frothy wine-flour mixture directly on top of each breast and into the crockpot.

Start the timer for 7:00 hours - it only took about 5 - 5.5 hours but my chicken was completely thawed and go about your day!

From there the chicken was so tender and it thicken nicely with the flour. The onions were an awesome addition as well and I served it on a bed of quinoa and broccoli.

I love crockpot recipes... 

Friday, October 4, 2013


This weekend my house will be divided between myself and those University of Tennessee alums that I live with but I am still recuperating from the AWESOME win in Athens last weekend. It is GREAT to be a Georgia Bulldawg.

With an exciting finish, UGA beat #6 LSU 44-41 on Saturday. We cheered and screamed and CELEBRATED so loud (and so long) that I lost my voice. After years of living there, Athens still always wins - in the best way that it can.  

Our tailgate was set up on Myers Quad next to ESPN's College Game Day that was filming in Athens for the game.

Each Saturday morning in the Fall is spent with College Game Day on ESPN and we went early to watch Bubba Watson and Willie from Duck Dynasty make their picks for the week. 

As always the signs around campus did not disappoint... 
Coach Richt called for a Red Out for the game, so in a sea of red (and of course black) we had a perfect Athens afternoon. Look at all that wonderful RED!

K drove down from Tennessee late Friday night and we played like we were in college still (which is why my legs are sore and my voice is gone). If I could pick any place and time of my life to live, it would be living in STA during the summer in college with all of my best friends. I was blessed to spend four years in the shadow of Sanford stadium, frolicking in downtown through 80+ bars, and coming back into town makes my heart always skip a beat. 


Athens is the best town in the world, often topping lists for best college campuses, party schools, music + culture, great food, and best overall small towns. However, the list it always tops is best college game day festivities, because there is no place like Athens in the Fall.

Go Dawgs!

Everyone dance parties on Myers Quad now. Who knew?

The best part of the night was running into some of my favorites.

We started at the Loft (it is called Cloud now..) which has big screens and Chick-fil-a during the game for everyone. Wonderful idea Cloud  Loft.

This boy will always be family to me. Thanks for always letting me stay at your dorm and introducing me to downtown Athens, even if I was 18.


Sometimes you just have to jump on the furniture to celebrate!