Monday, May 26, 2014

Shootin' the Hooch

I love the beginnings of Summer.

It's hot and my pale skin soaks up every last drop of sunshine, everyone wants to play outside late into the evening, and we spend every moment possible on the lake and in the river.

If you live in or around Atlanta, Shootin' the Hooch in your kayak or on inflatable tubes is an event that you must participate in at some point to escape the Georgia heat. It is something I have done every summer for as long as I can remember and each trip is just as enjoyable.

You can head North and rent $3 tubes in Helen and float through the German inspired town meandering by bars and restaurants to be picked up by a shuttle bus at the end. The river is cleaner up North but also very shallow. If you head this way remember river shoes because you will ground yourself at some point or another. Which may mean you get left behind - never on purpose of course!

The other option is to stay South, bring your own tubes and coolers, and hop in the river to float through Roswell, the Vinings, and Buckhead. Make sure to get extra thick tubes just in case.

Going this route you will pass under 285 and see a different part of the madness of city life.

And realize it really is possible to get away right in the middle of it all. 

If you choose to kayak and want a longer paddle through town make sure to put in farther up stream where the river is deeper. We have decided to float from these points and it is slow moving without oars.  Check out the float times from each of the drop in locations, you can leave a car for the day for $3 at both the drop off/in spots. 
But on a beautiful day with friends and drinks in tow (literally) there is no better, almost FREE summer activity.   

 If you do take longer than a 3 hour trek, just remember this is Georgia in the Summer and there's a good chance that a sky like this,

 will quickly be this..

 but wait it out because that sun will be back and hopefully the rain will get that river moving.

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