Sunday, January 29, 2012

You are officially checked off the BL

I am on the plane already, indulging in sweets, cheese, steak, and too much wine. I am sitting in first class next to this lovely Frenchman that is teaching me about wine and cheese and I have the hiccupps so it must be going well!  It is your favorite sins that do you in and Delta, you get me everytime...

This morning was a whirlwind, we were up and out early to make it to Versailles and back before leaving back for good ole America this evening.
Bound for Versailles

 The gardens are massive and I was in awe even in th winter with not much in bloom. The grounds are a child's (or king's) dream and I was craving frolicking and hiking, 4-wheeling and camping in their midst.

There is a grand cancal at the back of the palace beyond the steps and rowing teams were out on the water. Locals were jogging through the palace grounds and it is quite thrilling to imagine your life with such grandeour and history everyday (it definitely beats my running route).

Someone locked me out...
After making it back from Versailles I had a few extra euros and finally caved into a nutella crepe, outside at our favorite cafe, we hailed a taxi, and were off to the airport.

We will land in Atlanta at 8 PM - it is amazing how much you can accomplish in a day. Now off to finish this last glass of wine and popped some melatonin, and crashhhh.

Paris, you are officially checked off the Bucket List. Now where to next?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just me and Mona

We woke up on our first full day in Paris and walked to the market for crepes and flowers. I am doing Paris on a shoestring budget and instead ate a protein bar and cafe americano. If I can survive on protein bars and one small meal a day, I can have enough for attractions and an extra glass of wine.

It is important to know your own traveling priorities and I will gladly live off ramen noodles to be in Paris or Thailand or Utah or Vancouver for a day. Not many people will agree with me, but in order to take the trip, I will make the sacrifices I need to.

We are only in town for a few days and have our plan set to "Crash Course Paris." I think I have everyone convinced to make the trek out to Versailles but everything else we will visit is in the city. Our first stop was to walk to "heaven" or Montemartre, the highest point in Paris and the location of the Sacre-Coeur, and honestly my favorite stop. We sat on the steps of the church and listened to a gentleman with a guitar sing songs in French and Spanish, and even some in English. The view was breathtaking - overlooking the rooftops of Paris, remembering all they have seen and endured.

We stopped for croques and vin at La Quasimodo and walked over to the Notre Dame to pray and attend service.

Attending service in Notre Dame - blessed.

We walked along the Seine, enjoying the city and the beautiful views and winding our way through the streets to the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs-Elysees to the Place de la Concorde and finally to the Louvre.

The Louvre was free to anyone under 26 - woo! Make sure to look up any nightly or special deals when traveling - it will save you a bundle.

Inside the Louvre we got lost in the foundations, there are many twisted turns and nooks and crannies that get you turned around or make you stumble onto something beauitful. It was in this way that we came upon the Mary Magdelena, Venus de Milo, and standing directly in front of the Mona Lisa.

And also had other fun while we were there as well.

After the Louvre we rested our feet and drank some vin before leaving again for our own "Midnight in Paris." Walking the streets and experiencing the city, walking back to the Eiffel Tower for late night drinks and beignets (or a protein bars in my case).

But who cares, I am in PARIS!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Je ne sais pas

We arrived at Charles de Gualle at 11 AM and were ready TO. GO. I was giddy and couldn't help RUNNING through the airport.

We took the RER to the Metro and on the train I let my mind absorb everything - the architecture of the buildings that bring you back to a different time. Not just a few buildings, but everywhere. There is no modern architecture and it is perfect that way. It has character and it adds to the beauty and romanticism of the city, as does the language which to me always sounded like a mumbling, angry Frenchmen but when I am standing in the city its exquisite and mesmerizing.

I hate when I travel and come into a new place that is still speaking English. France is NOT one of those places. I know a few words to get by and I do admit, having helpful, multilingual countries has gotten me out of ALOT of obstacles and I am grateful for it; but the trip never seems real or complete if everyone is altering their life, their culture for me and honestly, my ignorance. It is a thrilling experience to be lost in a country with no way of direct communication, it feels like the real way to travel.

After dropping our packs we went out to explore. We walked the streets and took in the city. We were staying only two blocks away from the Eiffel Tower. It is huge, bigger than I ever imagined and so beautiful at night. From anywhere in the city you can see it bright and magical in the sky and every hour it twinkles with lights for five minutes. Its breathtaking, unreal, and unbelievable to be standing in its shadow. Most landmarks are smaller or disappointing in person but the Eiffel Tower exceeds any expectations you have in size or beauty.

We waited to ride to the top and it is worth every penny to do so. We went up at night and the view is amazing.

The view from above overlooking the Seine.
An Eiffel Tower, over the edge, selfie.


I am easily falling in love with being in France. Everyone has been kind, to go against in stereotypes you may have heard, and have not told me off eventhough I am juxtaposing my French and Spanish constantly. Si, Qui. Je ne seis pas, Gracias.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Keep Calm and Go to Paris

I am drinking red wine, over the Pacific, on my way to... PARIS. PARIS!

I woke up this morning unsure of where this day would take me and I will wake tomorrow in Paris. This was a completely spontaneous trip decided and left within six hours. I have been in Vail and Paris this week - I am blessed.

On days when I am hating the monotony of everyday life, I will look up prices and seats on and daydream of Paris and here I finally did it. In the end, like everything that seems like a huge goal, it was easy. I grabbed my passport, packed my bag, and am enjoying the overnighter to Europe. This is where I sleep the best.

My wanderlust is in full force this year and I can't wait to see what else this year will bring, but right now it is bringing me PARIS and two attractive male French speakers that are provding me copius amounts of wine.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fresh powder and a pit stop in Tulsa

I have made it my New Years Resolution (the same this year and every year of my life) to travel more often. So we are starting the year off with skiing in Vail.

More than anything I am thankful to get West. I am a West Coast girl stuck in the South. I crave the mountains and snow and a chance to be in the woods. This time of year is heartbreaking being in the South and I am counting my days to when I leave for good. The trip out went well, L and I walked to Marta, stood by for both the Denver and Vail flights, flew direct into Vail, caught the city bus to the ski resort, and finally caught the ski bus at the resort to our condo. I am just glad I wasnt halling my skiis the whole way...

We stashed our clothes, grabbed some --FREE!! --rentals (thanks B!), and hit the slopes. Skiing was incredible, beautiful, and kicked my butt so to relax we all spent the night hot tubbing with the snow falling down.

The next few days were non-stop skiing and playing in Vail and Beaver Creek. We took the same Hummer limo into Vail each night the came fully stocked with PBRs for the ride.

Vail Village may be one of the most perfect spots in the world. The night life, the people, the atmosphere, the men (I love a good beard), the weather, and everything in this place will suck you in. You ski directly into the Village off the slopes and are surround by beauty everywhere you look. I am moving ASAP.

At the end of our short holiday we were sore but not anywheere close to ready to leave. Our ride back was a bt more stressful as we missed our city bus back to the airport and had to call an "Emergency Taxi." Or, our friend that had been driving us in the Hummer Limo the last few nights...but we made it only to have the pilot announce the plane was overweight and wouldn't be able to get over the mountains so he was either going to kick people off the flight OR stop to refuel in Tulsa. Ahh the perils of being a Delta Brat....

THANKFULLY we decided to refuel and I am sure I was the only one jumping for joy in the terminal for that decesion.

See you VERY soon Colorado!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bucket List

Watch the ball drop in Times Square
Kayak Prince William Sound in Alaska
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Savannah
Go to the Olympics
Swim in every ocean
Kiss in the rain
Learn to knit
Learn to play the mandolin
Horseback ride on the beach
Catch a wave surfing
Run a half marathon
Visit 30 countries by 30
Know all of the world's capitals
Get my SCUBA certification
Go 6 months without FACEBOOK
Go on safari
Go 6 months sober
Go to every continent
Relearn how to cartwheel
Take public transportation across an entire country
Cruise the Nile
Float in the Dead Sea
Sail down the Amazon
Paraglide down Victoria Falls
Surf in the Galapagos
Swim in Devil's Pool 
Cartwheel on the Great Wall of China
Learn to French braid
Arrive by sea plane
Live in another country for more than a month
Kayak in Hawaii
Zipline in Costa Rica
Buy a new car
Hike Rim to Rim and watch the sunrise in the Grand Canyon
Take a hot air balloon ride
Be a vegetarian
Grow a garden
Hike The Narrows in Zion National Park
Go on a medical mission
Live as a vegan for a month
Cook a Julia Childs meal and have a dinner party
Go caving
Drive a stick
Donate my locks
Live on a boat
Increase my relationship with God
Hang glide off Mt. Sentinel and/or Blood Mountain
Do a week juice fast
Complete p90X or KAYLA
Rappel down a waterfall 
Back-country hike the trails of Glacier and Yellowstone
Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
Ride a camel in the Sahara in Morocco
Snorkel/scuba the Great Barrier Reef
Swim with whale sharks in La Paz
Get married
Sleep on a beach far away from home
Take a solo trip
Go white water rafting down Class IV rapids
Bungee jump
Volunteer with animals 
Get a tattoo
Adopt a dog
Start a blog :)
Hike the GA section of the Appalachian Trail
Ask for a beer in 50 languages
Swim with Great Whites in South Africa
Travel the Pacific Coast Highway
Walk on a glacier
Climb a volcano
Learn to sail
Attend Oktoberfest
Get better at skiing! 
Visit every European capitol
Christ the Redeemer in Rio
Hike Machu Picchu
Play at Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
Attend a Full Moon Party in Thailand
Celebrate Holi
Go to Coachella
Toboggan down the Great Wall of China
Visit Angkor Wat
Visit the Pyramids
See the Northern Lights


When people find out my wanderlust obsession, I am always asked a million questions and it leads to my favorite part of traveling -conversations. Traveling is an unmatchable experience because of the relationships formed, the stories told, the friendships made. I love hearing traveling stories from others and dishing out my favorite advice or recommendations. Nothing is better than inspiring someone to travel - especially to a place they never gave a second thought.

The two questions you will always be asked as a traveler are: 
1. Where is your favorite place you have been?
2. What do you recommend doing there?

The first question is impossible to answer. My favorite place is a long list of locations around the globe - favorited for the city, the sites, but most often the moments I spent there and the people I met. The hostels I stayed in, how the light reflected off the streets, how the sun warmed my skin, and the feelings I left with.

I have been hoping to share more of my favorite moments from before my blogging days - backpacking adventures, boating life stories, growing up in the Mission Mountains and so for my favorite #tbt, these are a (few) of my favorite wanderlusting moments. The moments that inspire the next adventure.

 Wandering through the streets of Barcelona 

 Biking through the canals of Amsterdam

Sun bathing at the Hvar Beach Club in Croatia 

Caving under the Danube River in Budapest

My home for months. This pack is my happy place.

L-O-V-E at the Lennon Wall, Prague

Deltabratting is a way of life. 

 A break in the clouds in Tuscany

My home. My heartbeat. My soul lives on Champagne Alley.

 Living life on holiday in Hvar, Croatia

Musical sunsets in Ibiza 

Coffee breaks in Krakow, Poland 

  Prayers in Monserrat

 Arriving by train to the Olympic Games, London

Lollapalooza at The Bean in Chicago

The guidebook passed on by a trio from Norway only to be left behind to couple from Peru. I hope you are still passing through hands today.

Paris from the Seine

 Band siblings at the Sturgis Rally

Peace in Prague

Daily walks to the water in Split

 Train Life.

 Playing on Dafuskie Island

Mojitos in Cabo

Shipwrecks in Ibiza 

 Dancing with my father at my best friends wedding, Atlanta

Montana Life. 

 Paris in the evening

 Skiing into Vail Village

The dirt road in Aiken, South Carolina 

Boat days in Annapolis, Maryland

My summertimes look like this.

 Forever California.

Boat Life on Sapelo Island, Georgia 

Hammock naps are the best naps in Monteverde

Where the road meets the sky hiking Mt. Helena

Traveling the PCH 

Pura Vida, in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica 
Fly Fishing Yellowstone

Georgia summer nights 

Granite, Montana

Hostel time in Barcelona

 Cloudland Canyon

Kayaking the Southern states  

Music festivals with my best friend

Music City Ranch  

 Old Sea Bitch, Maine 

 PLane Life. 

New friends in San Jose  

How I grew up.

Waka, Ozark Mountains

Waterfall jumps

 Perfect weddings 

Finally catching THAT train to Zagreb